Introduction to The Insurance Website Marketing Bible

My name is John Carroll and I wrote this book to make it easier for insurance agents to succeed online.

I started my career in the insurance industry over a decade ago as an agency sales and marketing consultant. I loved helping insurance agents by day but another passion kept me up late at night – building and marketing websites.

In 2010, I combined those worlds to create InsuranceSplash, an insurance website and online marketing company with one simple goal: Make it easy for insurance agents to succeed online.

My experience working directly with insurance agents helps me see something most marketers don’t understand:

Agents are too damn busy.

Insurance agents have to juggle several employees, hundreds of prospects, thousands of customers, 30 carriers with 30 products and 30 underwriters, hiring, firing, training, billing, licensing, payroll, PR, HR and E&O.

So how can you expect them to be an expert in SEO?

Well that’s why I wrote this book. I wanted to give insurance agents one trustworthy resource with everything they need to know to be successful online.

Each chapter explores a distinct topic and is comprised of short tasks, recommendations and ideas that are easy to digest and easy to act upon.

InsuranceSplash and I have built and managed over a thousand websites for agents across the United States and this book collects the best ideas and lessons we’ve learned.

I hope this book makes it easy for you to take action and get positive results that will help your agency.